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كتاب حق النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم الشيخ عبدالله البخاري
$8.00The book “The Right of the Prophet” By Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari
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لون وتعلم مع أقلام تلوين
$15.00Color and Learn (Who is your Lord? What is your religion? and Who is your Prophet?) 3 books that help the child learn about the religion of Islam and have fun while doing it, and coloring pencils included.
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الفوائد المجموعة من اللقاءات المفتوحة 3704
$25.00A collection of open meetings of Shaykh Ubaid al-Jabiri with students of knowledge. These meetings were on various subjects such as the explanation of a hadith, a verse, a subject in the belief, in the Salafi manhaj, in the fiqh, words of salafs. There are 29 different subjects In this book
منهج الأنبياء في الدعوة إلى الله ـ الشيخ ربيع المدخلي #9887
$28.00New edition (the only authorized) of this important book of Shaykh Rabee, prefaced by Shaykh al-Fawzaan, demonstrates the Way of the Prophets in their call to Allah, their call to Tawheed first and foremost, not to good manners or khilafa!
متون طالب العلم ١-٤ #6
$35.00The Mutoon Talibul I’lm, all 4 volumes in one big size book 100% harakat
الجامع لشروح القواعد الأربع #539
$28.00Explanation by: Sh Abdul Azeez bin baz Sh Salih Al Fawzan Sh Ahmad bin Yahya An-Najmi Sh Zayd Al Madkhali Sh Rabee bin Hadee Al Madkhali Sh Ubaid Al Jabaree